Coils made of Anodised Aluminium

When it comes to winding aluminium strip, we roll out our extensive know-how for you.

Our Design Options for your Application

Type Single- or Multiple-Coil in round or rectangular shape
Size from a few grams to 4,000 kg
Electrical Connections Copper, Cupal or aluminium as litz wire, strip, screw thread or bar
Contacting via ultrasonic welding or cold pressure welding
Additional Insulation upon request
Protection up to IP 67

We supply our customers with high-grade coils using exclusively anodised aluminium as conductive material. The anodised aluminium strips used for the coils have a clean edge profile, since the edges are thoroughly machined and thus the strip does not have sharp edges or burrs. A vital prerequisite for producing a flawless anodised coating and also for minimising the risk of voltage flashovers or short circuits caused by the development of excessive field strengths.

Precision is our strength

Precise, lightweight, and temperature resistant – these are the properties that distinguish ANOFOL coils. ANOFOL’s high-precision winding method allows us to produce coils with extremely thin and flat anodised aluminium strip. Winding tolerances of <100 µm can be realised, regardless of the number of coils that need to be produced. Another benefit: Cavities and loss of space that occur with copper wire windings are eliminated, resulting in a larger filling factor. In addition, the extremely thin insulation layer ensures optimal dielectric strength and thermal conductivity. And speaking of heat: anodised aluminium coils can be used in continuous operating temperatures up to 500° C. In contrast, copper requires pre-treated wires for temperatures above 180° C. We use state-of-the-art non-contacting measuring equipment to scrupulously verify the accuracy of precision coils.

precise + lightweight + temperature resistant = ANOFOL coils

Typical applications:

  • Lifting magnets
  • Automotive (e.g. electrical drive motor for hybrid and full electrical vehicles)
  • Rail technology (e.g. electro-magnetic brake, maglev train)
  • Drive technology (e.g. motors, solenoid valves)
  • Aviation (e.g. electrical retention magnet)
  • Measurement technology (nondestructive testing of welds)
  • Mechanical engineering (e.g. separation technologies, recycling, positioning systems, induction heaters)


ANOFOL in Detail
Slitting, Anodizing & Winding Aluminum. Technical Advantages of ANOFOL Strip Coils.

ANOFOL Magnet Coils
Benefits of ANOFOL Magnet Coils