via Autobahnkreuz Köln-West:
- A1 Direction Dortmund / Düsseldorf
- Exit Köln-Lövenich
- head right on Aachener Str. Direction Innenstadt
- Turn second possibility left to Eupener Str. (ESSO gast Station on the left)
- straight on until the end of the street
- turn right into Widdersdorfer Straße
- after 100 m (after Citroen car-centre) you will see STEINERT
via Autobahnkreuz Köln-Ost:
- Direction Köln-Deutz / Zentrum over Zoobrücke
- Zoobrücke leads you to Innere Kanalstraße
- Turn right into Weinsbergstraße (there is a Holiday Inn on the corner)
- Weinsbergstaße leads you to Widdersdorfer Staße after a while
- White building on the left side (before citroen car-centre)
via Autobahnkreuz Köln-Nord:
- A57 Direction Zentrum
- Exit Ossendorf / Bickendorf, left Direction Zentrum
- First traffic light left, second traffic light right on Äußere Kanalstraße
- After 3 km Äußere Kanalstraße leads you to Maarweg
- Behind a railroad brigde turn right at the first traffic light into Widdersdorfer Straße
- White building on the left side (before citroen car-centre)