Anofol - Consistent Quality
ANOFOL – the business unit of STEINERT GmbH develop and produces successfully for more than 40 years products in the following fields:
Raw Aluminium Strips
Services (Slitting, Rewinding, Annealing)
Anodised Aluminium Strips and Foils
Coils made of Anodised Aluminium
Coil Systems
Different markets like automotive, mechanical engineering, medical technology as well as the energy industry are being served with electrical components using ANOFOL as the conductor material. The applications range from transformer windings, through electromagnetic coils to high precision coils for planar motors or maglev trains. The concept is based on the excellent insulation properties of the maximum 6 µm thick oxide layer, which substitutes the commonly used insulation materials. This results in new possibilities for constructing more powerful and compact components.